Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Flying Drunken Jerks!

Have you ever had one of those days where you just wanted to sleep forever? i am sooooooo having one of those days, finals are coming and i cant wait.....God please let it be over already. well life has had its up's and downs and I'm tired with my work!! thought I'd stay home with my painting and that didn't go as well as i thought it would!!! i saw an old friend of mine last night and we got to catching up, and i thought wow it is so weird knowing somone like him or even my adopted sister for as long as we have and still stay in touch. i mean i have known these people since i was a kid, and mind you he was a hyperactive little mean shit!!! i mean he was a real peace of work but then again now he's a laied back pot head lol man he is so funny!!! but yeah i just think its weird maybe i'm being weird lol!!

well the weather sucks here, one minite its hot and i'm sweaty and the next its cold and rainy very confusing and my sinises are going fucking crazy! and what is with these mutinte big ass afircan miscedos that fly around your house like there drunk or something? they are fucking huge and they freak me the fuck out, and they cant be satisfied with being as big as my fucking hand no they have to fly right into your face. yea like i want the mother of all mositos in my fucking face, and there is nothing i can do about them they are in my grand mothers bushes and trees.....i have never been so bitter about trees and folieage in my life. and when theres like a sworm of them camped out on my front portce all i can to is flayle my arms around like a sissy school girl and scream at them to back the fuck off as i try and open my door. i mean what can i do to get them to piss off? i'm not only deeply creeped out by them i'm highly ellergic to them and i'm so paranoyed i scan my room before going to bed to make sure those flying jerks arent in my room!

well i hope you chickadies are well enjoy the rest of your week and i'll try and not napom my house to get ride of my flying mince!