Thursday, May 21, 2009

Who Said School is Free?

Well as they say doing nothing feels soooooo gooooooooooooooood! yes laying around with out a care in the world is fucking fantastic!!!! well as i am enjoying my inner loaf i still have a job to do with the magazine every thing else is so peachy and slow moving because there is no school its blissfully awsome! but enough of my lazy days i have this delima to deal with, mom's going in the hospital to get gensued on her neck. but i also have to cover an even that afternoon and of corse i have to go we planed it before moms knife act. i must sound terrible that i have to work but mom said to go so i'll go and get back to her as soon as possible. other then that my life is really boreing and that is so sweet!

O but lissen to this i go to sell me books back at school and mind you i spent 200$ on the fucking things that i never really used and when i sell them back guess what i got.....dont worry i'll waite....yeah your not even close 30$ thirty mesley dollors and its not that i'm not greatful but shit thats terrible. and what gets me is they turn around and sell them for full price next semister and that just makes me want to scream. i feel like we should at the lest get half back what we spent the rich buricratic ass holes! i mean just bending us students over and taking the money right out of our wonder half the population dont go to college its too fucking expencive and unrealistic in the times we live in...god cant student get a break to? well thats all i had to say hope you are doing well and have a wonderful day kisses!!