Thursday, February 25, 2010

Better Late then Never...Right?

Well my valentines day is late this year we just couldn't get it together till the end of the month, it was hard pretending i didn't see the teddy bears and the candy and all the pink and red hoopla! I wanted nothing more then to sleep all day but my clay called to me and i still had a lot to work on so i engrossed myself in clay cookies, chocolate chip to be exact! I worked and worked and soon i found out that i had made more then i wanted to and the day was over, i was like 'yes i made it'. but I'm taking the day off from crafting to celebrate the V-day with my honey! he's sick mind you and nothing spell romantic then a sick boyfriend who has been with out his PS3 for a few weeks. Yes this has all the yummy makings of an annoyed me sitting in my fave Chinese eats house wondering when the rice is getting to the table so i can leave.

I kid....I kid....well no I'm not but you know i wish i was kidding lol! My sowing is coming along thank god though it's like pulling teeth when you have been doing the same pattern for like two weeks maybe i should switch the bags up i have no clue but yea...well that's all those who could care less i must be off!