Sunday, March 28, 2010

Here and there!

Well i haven't had much to post lately and seeing as though know one cares i think I'm good lol!!! anyway I took a few days off because of the Crafting black out that was my whip cracking mother and her threats to end my life if I dare cut, sew, or hot glue something while my brother made his much awaited trip home. This meant my adventures in crafting for my life ended for a few weeks while I reorganized and finally tallied things up. I am pleased to report I have done a lot and now can start putting things together thank god!!!!

I know, I know....i haven't posted any pictures yet well its the product of a perfectionist and i hate to show things when they aren't done but they are coming because i could use some feed back from you...well the one of you that's lessening...anyway catch you ghostly people later!!!