Sunday, March 28, 2010

Funny Birthday

So my mother took me and some other people to Joe's Crab shack....yes that is the name of the place and no i didn't snicker about it the entire time i was there....okay that's a slight lie but really i digress! we ate dinner and they sang me happy birthday and this little tidbit happened!!!

The story behind it is, they wanted me to put my face in a plate of whipped creme to find the cherry and if i found it before they stopped singing happy birthday then they would give us free dessert. well i was not in the mood even though the crab nachos where excellent!!!! i so suggest you try them they will change your perspective on nachos and what belongs on them!!! well my friend Jeff decided to take the challenge and what they don't say is that they dangle the cherry right above his head, well lets just say the laughable Fail was kinda cute!!!

After the Fail we went to a candy shop next door and i got some salt water taffy (cotton candy & Pepperment) flavor which are like a god send dream to me i love salt water taffy and those two flavors are top's for me!!!

All and out it was a good birthday i had fun with my family and that's all i could have asked for...happy birthday to me...well on the 25th but yea!!!

Here and there!

Well i haven't had much to post lately and seeing as though know one cares i think I'm good lol!!! anyway I took a few days off because of the Crafting black out that was my whip cracking mother and her threats to end my life if I dare cut, sew, or hot glue something while my brother made his much awaited trip home. This meant my adventures in crafting for my life ended for a few weeks while I reorganized and finally tallied things up. I am pleased to report I have done a lot and now can start putting things together thank god!!!!

I know, I know....i haven't posted any pictures yet well its the product of a perfectionist and i hate to show things when they aren't done but they are coming because i could use some feed back from you...well the one of you that's lessening...anyway catch you ghostly people later!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Better Late then Never...Right?

Well my valentines day is late this year we just couldn't get it together till the end of the month, it was hard pretending i didn't see the teddy bears and the candy and all the pink and red hoopla! I wanted nothing more then to sleep all day but my clay called to me and i still had a lot to work on so i engrossed myself in clay cookies, chocolate chip to be exact! I worked and worked and soon i found out that i had made more then i wanted to and the day was over, i was like 'yes i made it'. but I'm taking the day off from crafting to celebrate the V-day with my honey! he's sick mind you and nothing spell romantic then a sick boyfriend who has been with out his PS3 for a few weeks. Yes this has all the yummy makings of an annoyed me sitting in my fave Chinese eats house wondering when the rice is getting to the table so i can leave.

I kid....I kid....well no I'm not but you know i wish i was kidding lol! My sowing is coming along thank god though it's like pulling teeth when you have been doing the same pattern for like two weeks maybe i should switch the bags up i have no clue but yea...well that's all those who could care less i must be off!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Applique, Applique, Applique!

applique is the word of the day! i have found that any and everything in my home of my used and un-wanted things can be used as an Applique on something and it is freakin sweeeeet! well not so, when things be come a mass of clutter which is what my work station at home looks like let me tell you! it was a mess but it was totally worth it to find what i found deep in my fabric tub at home. some old hello kitty bead sheets i had has a child are going to become something that i think people will love! little travel purses, yes you heard it little travel purses!!! it will take a massive effort to put all those zippers inside the bags and in the lining but i believe it will be worth the trouble!!!

I made a pattern two actually and they are for a signature hobo bag and a signature tote bag, the first trials for these bags i don't even want to talk about. you know when you have that idea in your head and then when you try to make that said idea real you totally face palm on the thing. I'm talking endless amounts of sowing fail! well in the trial and error time of these patterns there was large amounts of fail in what i was doing lol!! I'm sure you know what i'm talking about, O you people that could care less of what i blog...but yea it was awful and for a second i was ready to give up but i didnt and came out with a good pattern....again pictures coming soon!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Sick Day....

Well My mother is sick maybe a cold maybe worse but because i work from home with her, everything has come to a stop! I am also teaching a friend to sow, so she could help me with some of my projects and start some of her own and now a rainy day has come. my friend who i call 'Butters' has canceled a few times but they where due to personal reasons and now it looks like i might have to cancel on her....makes me a sad panda lol!! the wo's of a lonely young craftier with very little options lol!

Any good suggestions? I mean i could move my work a little for a day or two just to get finished for the week, but i hope a week is all i loose. its make or break for me i need enough stock to put up a site and do small events we are calling 'tea parties' so it will take a while but i have time hopefully, but I'm the type of gal that believes if I'm not a head I'm behind and money for supplies is far and in between so any little bit helps...are you lessening?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

who, what, where?

Hi there people who have never read a thing i have written!!!

yes i do this for you lol, anyway my crafting days are long and as it never occurred to me very fun. who knew that doing something creative could be so time consuming, but in a good way i assure you!!! i made my first pizza out of play and i lust say it looks smashing lol. I'm looking into forming roses with porcelain clay!!! I'm looking into it so I'll let you know hoe it works out but i have this little problem i don't know how to color it...i mean there are some tutorials on the youtubs but they don't tell you what kind of paint to use.... So i could use some help with that lol....

any who short blog so i'll catch you all who ever read my blogs!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I freaken love Fimo CLAY!!!!!

Hello those who are not lessening!!!

Okay so i have just picked up some new bake-able clay and yes its nothing new but hey its new to me!!! anyway in case you didn't see the title of the post its 'FIMO' and i love it way more then Polymer clay...did i spell that right???O who cares...any who i have fallen in love with flmo clay i just love that it don't get super hard super fast!

My love affair started when i was in my local craft store, and they where having s sale my favorite time of the day when something is on sale and I'm sure you'd agree lol! any way i was shopping with 40$ in hand and needed clay and a gloss...maybe some other knickknacks if i could afford it. i was picking up what i was used to working with the polymer stuff and my wonderful and quick eyes boyfriend said "Hey this is on sale for a dollar" he said.

I of course looked and saw that i can bake it which was F-ing sweet! so i banashed the polymer clay back from which it came and picked up the new winner hoping it wouldn't be much different and low and behold it was better to me. that is not to say i will forever treat polymer clay like the red headed step child of the family....but I'm loving my cheap slut of a clay i wonder if it's always cheaper, probably not but I'm in love with expensive hobbies.

I was doing a search online for more supplies and was looking for crochet applicays and i found a lot on etsy but i want to use them in my sowing and jewelry so i need a lot and in different shapes...cant seem to find a whole saler...any who those are my adventures in my crafting business pictures coming soon!

In short those who don't care and are not reading i must run!!!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Crafting for my Life

Hello know one that is not reading this,
well i have fell off but that isn't going to happen again! I plan to take this blog in a different direction and that is to blog about my little crafting stick and see how it goes. i have taken off school for a while to get some prospective and to be honest i am starting to hate school. I don't even see the point anymore and i was going to become an art teacher and a lot of luck I'll have at that sense the school districts are cutting there art programs left and right.

I don't know i fee swindled in college, more then that i feel like its the biggest rip off in the world but they have it engraved in our minds that college is a have to in order to be happy or...well be happy and secure in this life a college degree is the only way to go. my thoughts are that even people with degrees end up back at home with there parents working some stupid retail job they hate just to get by. maybe I'm a dreamer but I don't want that for myself, i don't want to resent my love and passion for Art and painting i want to keep that love pure.

So in knowing that I'm going to take a leap and start my own crafting business...I will be making my own product and selling it to the masses in the hopes that maybe i can make my own income to finish my doomed schooling career that is now desperately under funded! I've been inspired by Tread Banger's and other DIYers other Youtubers, i can do this and i can make a difference in my life as to where i wont feel so floundering I mean I'm 24 and i want things. i want to take care of myself first of all and hopefully this is a start! so be looking out people that dont read this is a new day for me I'm going to do it in 2010!