Monday, January 24, 2011


I feel like I've been a bad blogger lol!!!

Can we say life had gotten in the way and then add excuse here!!! lol yes life took some weird turns and made me stop blogging but i have a renewed sense of blogging sprite and my crafting life is back on track mixed with some other things! yes i have been working hard and school and my new work have taken some odd turns and picked my life up on its heels and whisked me away. that's my attempt at making it sound poetic but really its just a flowery way of saying i got a job and it turned me into a chicken with its head cut off busy!

I have some great pictures from my new classes and yes i will post them to those who ignore this blog!!! yes my little nobodies i know you aren't lessening but i have a mission and that is to post for times a month!!! so here we go!